All Stories

The Little Red Hen

Once upon a time, Little Red Hen lived on a farm with her five little chicks. She worked very hard every day. She used to scratch the barnyard from morning...

The Wise Little Rabbit

Once upon a time, there lived a lion in the jungle. He was very powerful and strong and all the animals of the jungle feared him. but slowly with time,...

The Fox And The Goat

On a long sunny day, there was a fox walking in a desert. Hungry and thirsty, all that he could see was miles of sand and barren rocks. Oh! It...

The Three Fishes

Once upon a time there lived three big fish in a lake. One of them was wise, he was very careful in his thought. Another was intelligent and resourceful. But...

Honest Wood Cutter

ఒక అటవీ పక్కన గ్రామంలో రెండు కలప కట్టర్లు ఉన్నాయి. వారు పొరుగువారు పక్కపక్కనే ఉండిపోయారు. రాము, మొట్టమొదటి కలయిక చాలా శక్తివంతమైన మరియు నిజాయితీ వ్యక్తి. సోము ఇతర అడవులను ఒక సోమరి మరియు సగటు మనిషి. సమీపంలోని అడవిలో...

Honest Wood Cutter

In village next to a forest there lived two wood cutters. They were neighbours staying next to each other. Ramu , the first woodcutter is a very energetic and honest...