The Fox And The Crab

The Fox And The Crab

Once upon a time, there lived a crab in the sea. The crab thought “I am so bored of living in the sea. I think the meadow behind the beach is a better place for me to be. I will move there” so, the crab came out of the water and made its way beyond the beach and into the meadow. “Ah! This is the life. I wonder why I didn’t do this earlier”.

Unknown to the crab, a fox had been watching him since the moment, he came into the meadow and one day when he found the right moment, he attacked him. The fox replied, “I have been waiting for this moment, I will eat you now.”

The crab tried to hide but it didn’t know how to not on land anyway, he was not familiar with the terrain at all. It is my fault, I should stay in the seas and the beach. Where I belong and know how to protect myself.

Well, yes. But now its too late for you. Saying so, the fox quickly ate the crab and ended his life.

Never complain about your current surroundings (or) situation may be that is the best place for you to be.